Shipping & Customs Fees

Will I pay any customs and shipping fee? 

Definitely not. You will not be responsible for any additional shipping and customs fees. These costs will be paid by us.


When will I receive my order?

Your order will be shipped within 1-5 business days of receipt. We use express shipping which typically takes 3-5 days once shipped.


How do I track my order?

We will send the tracking number to you via email after your order has been dispatched. You can track your order from the UPS or FedEx websites.

Where do you ship to?

We provide free and express shipping to all countries worldwide from our warehouses in the United States and Turkey. The shipment location of the products may vary depending on the proximity to the ordering country and the stock availability in our warehouses.

What should I do if the shipping package or product is damaged?
When the order reached you and if you see some damage on the box, please don't collect the item from the delivery guy and want a "Damage Assessment Report". But if you open the box and see some damage please contact us.

